2024 – Second Quarter Newsletter

TPA is so grateful to these dedicated nurses, all studying child health at the Solomon Island National University, for their participation in our nurse-led Sessions! We wish you all the best with your study. 

Australian volunteers continue to benefit from exposure to pathology rarely seen in Australia and to the challenges of problem-solving and adapting their clinical reasoning to resource limited settings. Do you know a subspecialist who would like to join our community

South Pacific journal club. Thank youto Dr Mele Pomale from Tonga for her presentation on whooping cough immunity in pregnancy and Dr Martin Keni from the Solomon Islands who covered causes of diarrhoeal deaths in children under five.  

TPA currently covers sixteen different specialties including emergency medicine, intensive care, cardiology, neurology, NICU, haematology, respiratory, gastroenterology, endocrinology, developmental paediatrics, infectious diseases, immunology, renal, rheumatology, genetics and child protection. Not to mention dentistry, physiotherapy, and nursing sessions covering anything from stoma care to inotropes to leadership. 

Please note all photographs are generated by artificial intelligence software (except those used of staff and colleagues with consent!) 

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