
Paediatric Snapshot

Kiribati, officially the Republic of Kiribati is an independent island nation in the central Pacific Ocean. The permanent population is over 119,000 (2020), more than half of whom live on Tarawa atoll. 

Child Survival  
Infant Mortality 14/1000
Under 5 Mortality 16.6/1000
Maternal Mortality (Aust = 6.8/100,000) 124/100,000
Exclusive Breast Feeding 52% to 5 months
Stunting 8%
Wasting 5% < 5 yr Children
Immunisation Rates 99%: 3rd DTP;
2nd MMR
WASH* 100% drinking water, 93% at least basic sanitation
Comments Obesity and NCDs a significant concern; 17% children overweight in 2016
Poverty A significant concern. 2009 data: 22%; many just above poverty line & vulnerable
Adolescents Mental Health  
Attempted Suicide 35% in school attendees in 2010 data
Adolescent Fertility 3% give birth before 18 yrs
Child Protection No child protection system, legal framework or child welfare agency
Child Sexual Abuse Data lacking
Comments Evidence of child labour, esp forced domestic labour
Education Youth literacy (15-24 yrs) 99%
Primary 93%
Secondary 79%

Data source: UNICEF situational analysis

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